"Religion is the President's last resort"

Paying a high price for its aggressive foreign policy: " Turkey is more isolated in the region today than it has been for a long time. And in Europe and the EU, Erdogan is largely on his own. His verbal attacks against Macron can hardly be perceived here as a programme geared at making amends," writes Meinardus
Paying a high price for its aggressive foreign policy: " Turkey is more isolated in the region today than it has been for a long time. And in Europe and the EU, Erdogan is largely on his own. His verbal attacks against Macron can hardly be perceived here as a programme geared at making amends," writes Meinardus

Relations between Ankara and Paris have reached a new low, with presidential communications contributing to the escalation. To describe recent bilateral exchanges as undiplomatic would be the height of diplomacy. By Ronald Meinardus

By Ronald Meinardus

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