"I aim to strengthen young Muslims' sense of identity"

 The daughter of Syrian immigrants, Lamya Kaddor was born in Ahlen in 1978. She is a teacher, Muslim religious educationalist, Islamic Studies scholar and publicist. Founding chair of the Liberal-Islamic Association; Kaddor also helped found the “Society of Teachers of Islamic Studies in the German Language”. Both regard themselves as pluralistic alternatives to the existing Islamic and mosque associations in Germany
The daughter of Syrian immigrants, Lamya Kaddor was born in Ahlen in 1978. She is a teacher, Muslim religious educationalist, Islamic Studies scholar and publicist. Founding chair of the Liberal-Islamic Association; Kaddor also helped found the “Society of Teachers of Islamic Studies in the German Language”. Both regard themselves as pluralistic alternatives to the existing Islamic and mosque associations in Germany

Lamya Kaddor is a frontwoman for liberal Islam in Germany. The Islamic studies teacher has received numerous awards for her dedication. But she also faces hostility from many sides. Ceyda Nurtsch introduces her for Qantara.de

By Ceyda Nurtsch

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