"My approach was to joke about prison"

In 2016, Egyptian journalist and writer Ahmed Naji was imprisoned for one year, because his writing allegedly "harmed public morals". His new book "Rotten Evidence" chronicles his journey to and through prison. Darkly humorous, Naji offers vivid insights into the cruel and mundane world of Egyptian prison.
In 2016, Egyptian journalist and writer Ahmed Naji was imprisoned for one year, because his writing allegedly "harmed public morals". His new book "Rotten Evidence" chronicles his journey to and through prison. Darkly humorous, Naji offers vivid insights into the cruel and mundane world of Egyptian prison.

In 2016, Egyptian author Ahmed Naji was imprisoned for one year, his writing allegedly "harming public morals". His new book "Rotten Evidence" chronicles his journey to and through prison. Darkly humorous, it offers vivid insights into the cruel and mundane world of Egyptian prison. Interview by Hannah El-Hitami

By Hannah El-Hitami

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