Razan Zeitouneh – the missing face of Syria's revolution

"The fate of Razan and her colleagues resembles that of the civil, peaceful movement that tried to create a moral alternative for Syria," says Darwish, who co-founded the VDC with Zeitouneh 10 years ago.
"The fate of Razan and her colleagues resembles that of the civil, peaceful movement that tried to create a moral alternative for Syria," says Darwish, who co-founded the VDC with Zeitouneh 10 years ago.

Razan Zeitouneh fought for justice in Syria and made enemies on all sides. Then she disappeared without a trace. Her fate remains unknown to this day. On the tenth anniversary of the revolution, Lewis Sanders, Birgitta Schulke-Gill, Wafaa Al Badry and Julia Bayer look back on her life

By Lewis Sanders & Birgitta Schülke-Gill & Wafaa Al Badry & Julia Bayer

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