Solidarity mounts against Narendra Modi's BJP

A 'NO VOTE TO BJP' rally was staged in Calcutta with the support of local people, minority groups, students and youth of the society. Many renowned farmers' protest leaders from Delhi-Ghazipur-Noida border joined in support of the rally on 10 March 2021.
A 'NO VOTE TO BJP' rally was staged in Calcutta with the support of local people, minority groups, students and youth of the society. Many renowned farmers' protest leaders from Delhi-Ghazipur-Noida border joined in support of the rally on 10 March 2021.

The farmers' protests in India show no signs of abating – despite repressive measures. Government attempts to stigmatise the farmers have only prompted sections of the urban middle class to support the uprising. And the boundaries between the different religious identities, repeatedly invoked by the Hindu nationalists in the ruling party BJP, also appear to be softening. By Dominik Muller

By Dominik Müller

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