Alaa Al Aswany on Egypt – "The Republic of False Truths"

Breaking the culture of silence: in his bestseller "The Yacoubian Building", Al Aswany was already castigating the ills of Egyptian society: In it, he describes the microcosm of a Cairo apartment building, for whose inhabitants violence, corruption, bigoted sexual morality and Egypt's brutal classist society are a part of everyday lifes
Breaking the culture of silence: in his bestseller "The Yacoubian Building", Al Aswany was already castigating the ills of Egyptian society: In it, he describes the microcosm of a Cairo apartment building, for whose inhabitants violence, corruption, bigoted sexual morality and Egypt's brutal classist society are a part of everyday lifes

Ten years ago, Egyptians dreamt of change, they took to the streets against President Mubarak. But their hopes were dashed. A look back and forward with writer Alaa Al Aswany

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